COMODO Internet Security 2011 v5.0.163652.1142 Final

Год: 2010
Язык | Language: ML|RU
Лекарство: Не требуется

COMODO Internet Security - комплексный антивирусный продукт, совмещающий в себе основные модули для защиты ПК: Comodo Antivirus, Comodo Firewall и специальный модуль Comodo Defense+. Сбалансированные модули дают максимальную гарантию защиты от вирусов. Имеется огромное количество возможностей для спокойного серфинга в сети Интернет, для борьбы с вирусами, троянами, adware-модулями и др. Отличная замена Касперскому, Ноду и другим платным ПО.

What's New In COMODO Internet Security

THANKS! COMODO would like to thank the beta testers whose feedback made this release possible!
NEW! Extended spyware scanner and improved malware cleaning
NEW! Cloud Based Antivirus Scanning
NEW! Cloud Based Behavior Analysis
NEW! Cloud Based Application White-listing
NEW! Game Mode
IMPROVED! Application Control
IMPROVED! Default Deny re-engineered to improve application compatibility
IMPROVED! Application user interface

Cloud Based Infrastructure:
2011 family of products(Yes COMODO Firewall too!) are now armed with cloud based file rating technologies. The cloud computation, enabled by default, is used for a variety of purposes.(Do not be surprized if COMODO Firewall gives you a malware alert!!!).

With cloud computation;

* Cloud based Whitelisting: Safe files and trusted vendors are now easily identified. The concept of ”Trusted Publisher” is now cloud based.
* Cloud based Anti virus: Malicious files are detected even if the users do not have an up-to-date antivirus product or an antivirus product at all.
* Cloud Based Behaviour Analysis: Zero-day malware can be detected INSTANTLY by COMODO’s cloud based behavior analysis system CIMA(Comodo Instant Malware analysis).

Extended Spyware Scanning
COMODO’s vision and focus has been about ”keeping a clean computer clean” from early days. Now that We have achieved that COMODO is focusing on ”cleaning an already infected computer”. This is why we extended the spyware scanning in COMODO Internet Security 2011 and COMODO Antivirus 2011 and now include a new spyware scanner which is capable of scanning the windows registry and computer disks for the signs of malware infection.
This new scanner is implemented to improve the detection and successful cleaning rate of already infected systems.

Game Mode
2011 family of products are now gamer friendly security applications. When they are put into the game mode, the operations that can interfere with users’ gaming experience such as alerts or resource intensive virus database updates, scheduled scans are suppressed.

Stronger and Smarter Application Control
2011 family of products have a highly smart application control mechanism which extends the functionality of the previous versions.
The new application control provides the users the ability to lockdown their computers such that only the known good applications can be executed.
The new sandbox introduces a new default application isolation level, partially limited, which improves the compatibility with many windows products.

Nowadays, a lot of malware come in other forms than standalone executables. For example, some come in the form of visual basic scripts while some come in the form of java binaries. When they come in such forms, they are executed by ”interpreter” applications such as wscript.exe or java.exe etc.
2011 family of products can identify such applications heuristically and detect the real file behind the requests of ”interpreters”.

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  • Вся информация, представленная здесь, не предназначена для какого-либо распространения и может использоваться только в личных ознакомительных целях.
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Просмотров: 1155 автор: AlekseyM 25 декабря 2010